I own Chotas and Korkers and have fished extensively with both. The Korkers are lighter and the change up on the soles is handy for hiking and wading. However, the Chotas provide more ankle support and are easier to get on and off. Recently, it was time to get my son into some wading boots so I took advantage of the situation by giving him my old boots and bought some new Chotas.

Instead of the STLs, I bought the plain Chotas. The STLs are great but I wade and fish from a boat. STLs are great for wading but one misplace step on your line can ruin it. I also found that removing the studs and fishing without them provided far less traction than I preferred. So, I went with the plain Chotas. They work great with a wading staff. The combination gives me all of the traction I need and I don't have to worry about the studs doing damage to fly lines or my boat.