welllllllllllllllll my "BIGGEST" TROUT came on a black wooly bugger and was 7 pounds which was also on my 3 weight but i had 2x tippet on and he gave no fight! i might as well have been pulling in a dead stick!

and i have caught 4 4lb fish on ptn's !!!!!!

but the fly im tying for this swap i was fishing on my 7' 3wt and under a indicator with 7x on and the fish peeles off my fly line and 10 yards of backing and did the same thing 2 more times !!
this fish was abnormaly fat and about 4 pounds
after three full runs the fish gave up and came to hand! and what a beautiful fish it was ! deep pink line, dark blacks spots, silver belly
just an awesome fish with lots of power and a great fight ! made my day !