A welcome from here as well. Home is Northfield, MA only 25 minutes from Brattleboro. Used to live up north in Underhill and Woodbury so this is almost a home town discussion.

Temps idea for trout are 55 ~ 65 degrees. Fish hang where they can expend as little energy as possible waiting for food. When there are no hatches they hang in riffles, behind and in front of boulders and with the structure in the bottom of the river. If they are not on top, they are on the bottom. Rarely in the middle of the water column. Holes are relative. They are often cooler 'cause of the depth so trout will go to them especially in the summer. When hatches occur the trout often drop back to the pools to meet the hatching insects there. It is easier for them in the slower water than to fight faster water. They also like protection from predators. Under branches under overhanging banks, in shaded area.

Seek and ye shall find (sooner or later, usually later). Don't fret, it took me the better part of a season to finally catch a trout on a fly. I tried many flies, eventually worms on a fly rod and then finally caught a trout on a fly. That was in Underhill, Vt in the early 70's.
