Quote Originally Posted by Kerry Stratton
The human race is a naturally occuring species and unless I missed something someplace everything we use comes to us from the earth. I have not seen anything "imported" from outer space. It is my contention that even if global warming is caused by humans it is a natural occurance caused by using natrual products drived from the earth naturally. And who is to say this all isn't a part of the grand plan anyway.

People throw the 'natural' label around too much. Just because something is 'natural' doesn't mean it's beneficial for any specific purpose. Poison Ivy is 'natural'. Snake venom is natural, but if you take it internally, it can kill you, as will petroleum, another 'natural' product. Most illegal drugs like opium, cocaine, peyote, etc... are natural products. Just because something is naturally occuring is no guarantee that it is necesarily a good thing. Ebola, Marburg, Plague, smallpox and HIV are also natural.

Global Warming is a serious issue and needs to be studied a lot more, without the hype and politics. If it is going to be a problem, we need to know about it in enough time to take action.

Let's say we plan for a worst case scenario, and Global Warmng is a real threat. So we develop clean Hydrogen based technology. Now, we find out that Global Warming isn't as bad as we thought, and it is self-limiting. So what's the worst that happened? ......We've ended our dependence on petroleum products, and the air is much cleaner. But what if the doom sayers are right, and we don't do anything......?

It's a simple exercise in logic. Act now, just in case, and we win no matter what. Don't act now, and run the risk of extinction later, just so some businesses and people can line thier pockets with your money now.

Semper Fly!