Hello ducksterman, crook33. Now what's the fun in me just telling you what the most important thing to remember is while upstream shortline nymphing without strike indicators? Besides, we wouldn't want to cripple the strike indicator industry, would we?

I will give you a hint though. Somewhere in the text of my post, and it could be high or low, there is a two word phrase that tells it all. If anyone guesses, send pm, try to avoid posting it here and I will explain further, again, we want to keep this a secret for as long as possible. :))

frugal angler, in your area I'd say 'big' could start at size 12 flies so you could go with stimulators in yellow, tan, orange, red, green (bright to olive, even flo) also dry stones, golden and giant. You could use elk hair caddis in any color, or hoppers. Basically, any big bushy dry fly that your local shop has on hand. I prefer size 4 for the purpose we're talking about but I'm out west and I'm fly fishing steelhead water. The size of the emerger will vary but I keep them small and unweighted. Ok, hope some of this helps !

