A spring creek, or spring fed creek is exactly as it sounds. A watercourse which issues from groundwater - a natural spring.
Due to this, they are less affected by both seasonal and weather conditions, and thus maintain a stable flow, and temperature range year round. Due to this, large colonies of mayfly, caddis, snails etc form among the often dense weedbeds and gravelly streambeds providing the trout with an enormous food supply.

Trout feed selectivly when a particular food source is in super abundance

get my drift??

Just read Mike Lawsons excellent book 'spring creeks' and you'll know their inhabitants can often tougher than most!

Most of my local spring creeks here in southern nz have huge weed growth, which due to the stable flow, and subsequent lack of flood events, will often grow right the surface, creating many, many micro currents and surface disturbances, and thus, a drag free drift with the mandatory small dry is tough at the best of times.

Large trout, gin clear water, instant drag. Tough but interesting fishing.

The following are a few pics of a couple of my local spring creeks; fish of up to trophy status can sometimes be found in these, but finding them is only a smidgen of the challenge fine gravel beds often mean smaler invertibrete - size 18 is the norm here (smal by Kiwi standards).
