Hello all - LONG time lurker - I'm Ron from SW of Chicago and I've been stuck on kayaking for a couple years now. I was able to purchase a Pungo 120 from a store called Galyans' when it was closing/converting to Dick's sporting goods. That was three years ago. My interests have always been in fishing and the outdoors but I got sick and tired of boats, motors, trailers, oil etc etc etc. My Pungo and I have been in some really interesting places in Illinois and Wisconsin and I actually do much better fishing out of it than I ever did in a boat. The problem is I could care less whether or not I actually catch a fish anymore - just the solitude of paddling along is great therapy to me.

Two of my good friends also bought yaks - One is a Perception America and the other a Dagger Blackwater - which has been rigged with a depthfinder and rod holders, etc. I've had enough of that and prefer to just bring along my flyrod or a light spinning rod and troll a small spinner, jig etc.

My daugher and I will be paddling the 50th CanoeMarathon down the DesPlaines river this coming May 20th. Just wondering if any of ya'll will be there as well. This is my first time but I understand that they have somewhere between 600-800 paddlers that attend this event - really looking forward to it.

Well - if I can ever figure out how to post pictures I will. Got some good ones of me and my buds!

Peace - Happy paddling - and Mr. Hatch - thank you for a wonderful forum - I really enjoy your pictures and articles!
