Fishbum, Yep, pretty much my schedule, except for the walks. Those used to be part of the routine, but as of this past Friday, I'm 12 weeks out of a Unicondular Knee Replacement (bad bone out, good titanium in), so standing in front of the bench, lathe and binder for 10 or 12 hours a day is just about all the excercise my knee wants. By night time, I'm ready to sit in a chair and whine for awhile... then I just get up the next morning and do it all again, and call it fun!

Actually, I'm pushing it a little right now, because I have a fly shop that has four rods ordered and two of them, after I sanded the glue off, just weren't up to snuff, so I had to start from scratch again on those two. Part of the game.

FB, thanks for mentioning the FET and taxes... made my day brighter... NOT!!!! Well, at least the FET isn't as bad as it was a few years back. Still, money out of a rodmakers pocket, but someone has to pay for those fishing trips and turkey hunts for the politicians! LOL

Guys, you're right, life is getting better.
