We went to the sale when it was in Overland Park (under 20 minutes). The first day it was insane!! Bazillions of people, grabbing and hauling away stuff in huge garbage bags. Much of what they had there was old, returned stuff, many of which had family names and/or initials sewn on or stamped on. (I don't know ... I suppose you could get really lucky and get a deal on something if you didn't mind someone elses name on it!). Some of the clothing they had was right out of the catalogue; I got a $69 blouse for $14. Rods and reels usually didn't have warrantee cards with them. Dog beds were a big draw ("Muffin" wouldn't mind having "Tiger" stamped on her bed?) Some luggage, but the prices weren't THAT good to even make me look seriously. Tying materials weren't that much off of their regularly higher prices (can do better at my local fly shop). That said, sure! I'd go take a look at it all, especially if you take someone with you, and you can find a Cheesecake Factory to eat at!!