I just bought a Mustang fishing vest with a manual pull inflator. It is the same size as a regular fishing vest . Its Very comfortable with all the pockets of a regular vest .One pocket is given over to the floatation triggering device . That is the only difference . You hardly know you are wearing it. It is Made by mustang and looks just like the vest in JC"S review. Cost me $212.00 in Canadian funds. $180.00 before taxes. So that would be about $160.00 US
Ps it comes in sizes s-xxl .

Last year on the Selway River I tripped on a large rock which caused me to run forward a few paces. I had to fling myself to the ground so that did I not run right into the river. It was on the edge of a deep fast run. If I had gone in there I would have been in a good deal of trouble.

Last year I looked at the vest I just bought. It seemed really expensive so I passed on it. At the moment I almost fell in the rapids it looked dirt cheap.