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Thread: Largemouth Bass in China

  1. #1

    Default Largemouth Bass in China

    Our guide explained that you choose the fish you want to eat and the restaurant prepares it for you. Our menu was set.. sweet & sour carp. It's de-boned and turned inside-out. Scored, battered, and deep fried, it looks like one of those "blooming onions" from Outback. Delicious.

    As we entered the restaurant in Beijing, China I noticed a large array of aquariums. The most popular fish is the carp. There were several tanks filled with carp of assorted sizes. Taking a closer look I noticed catfish, soft-shell turtles, rainbow trout, several fish I had never seen before, and .... largemouth bass. Just about all fish come from fish farms, so my search was on. There must be a fishpond some place in China stocked with largemouth. ( Try eating steamed bass with black bean sauce... wow.. I'm sure your local Chinese restaurant would be happy to cook your catch for you))

    When I ask about sportfishing in China and the possibility of visiting a fishing supply store I was told that most of the recreational fishing was in southern China.

    In the city of Guilin, our local guide, Judy Huing, pointed out the many commercial fish ponds. The range was from tennis court size to larger than a football field. Most had a small restaurant where your fresh catch could be prepared for lunch. On holidays and weekends, people flock to these "pay-to-fish" commercial fish ponds for their recreational fishing. You pay about 8 RHB ($1) per kilo for what you catch, and they cook it for you. Again, carp is the most popular fish. Guilin reminded me very much of places in the Philippines and Viet Nam. Rice patties, water buffalo, ducks, clear streams, and beautiful scenery.

    We cruised down the Li Jiang river. "It travels 83 km like a jade ribbon winding among spectacular landscapes and elegant hills, the towering peaks, the variegated cliffs and odd-shaped crags reflected in the mirror of it's crystal clear water and deep pools." I could defiantly see myself being polled along on one of the small bamboo rafts, fly rod in hand, casting a streamer to one of the many silver fish holding in the current. I didn't even get a chance to fish and I enjoyed just being there. Fishing in the many rivers is free, no fishing licence required. Those anglers who sell their river caught fish receive a much higher price because of the clean clear water.

    Because of the tight schedule of our China Tour, Judy was unable to make time for me to visit a fishing store. She said that on my next trip her husband, an avid angler, would be happy to take me fishing. Summer would be an ideal time, because the fish are more active. Sounds like a plan.







  2. #2

    Default Re: Largemouth Bass in China

    A few years ago I met an old man in a nearby small town who owns a fish farm. He raises largemouth bass in his outdoor ponds and tilapia in an indoor pool. He said his largest customer base for the bass was Chinese restaurants, and he ships live bass all over the country. He told me that in the old days, there was a fish very similar in appearance to bass that was reserved solely for the emperor's court. Any peasant caught with one of these fish would be punished severely, if not executed. Therefore the largemouth bass is in great demand at Chinese restaurants. Since the fish have to be shipped live, he doesn't like to net them out of the ponds, as this causes a higher mortality rate. So he rounds up a bunch of guys with rods and reels to catch the bass. I've thought a time or two of taking my 6 weight and helping him out. Strictly to be helpful you understand.

    Larry Compton

  3. #3

    Default Re: Largemouth Bass in China

    The first Chinese I ever met was a family that moved to Sulphur Springs, TX and took over a local motel and resturant. It was about 1963.
    One day the new owner told my dad that if he brought one of the big bass he had been bragging about to the resturant they would cook it for us.

    I didn't know what it was at the time. Just a 6 pound largemouth, head and all, on a platter with this sauce all over it. It was fantastic. (steamed fish with black bean sauce) Over the years we enjoyed bass prepared in many exotic ways.

    Here in Hawaii, we take fresh fish to our local Chinese Resturant and they prepare it for us. Saltwater fish, our largemouth and peacock bass are all catch and release.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Clara City, MN USA

    Default Re: Largemouth Bass in China

    What an incredibly interesting thread. Thanks for sharing your trip to China with us, Stan. Very fascinating. Won't it be interesting to see what, if any, flies they might use for the LMB? JGW

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