I've been fishing for some time now but just recently got into Fly-Fishing. I have alway's wanted to try it but never had the time before in my old workplace. My hours and time spent at work prevented me from getting the time to do such a thing. I had to fish the local spots meaning strip pits and ponds due to my work schedule. I quit work and started selling Real Estate. I now have the time even though I still spend more time working than the average person. I talked my brother into taking a trip to the White River so we got a group of about 8 people to go. I then went to a local fly-shop and purchased my first set-up. An Orvis TLS Trident 5 weight 9' tip flex rod with a Orvis Battenkill Bar Stock reel. I was the only one on the trip to use a fly rod. While on the trip I left the group and went driving down some road in Cotter, Ark to explore the area. I drove up to some shop along the river on the outskirts of town and went in to look for information. What happened then was about a 2hour conversation and casting lesson from the nicest person I have ever met. I have since gone fly fishing about once a week. I haven't touched my other gear or spin gear since. As a matter of fact 4 of the people that went on the trip have now taken up fly fishing.