Quote Originally Posted by Mike Thomas
Jeff, Sorry to hear you had trouble with the ratbags in Rotorua, I remember a couple of years ago the cops got a couple of locals from Rotorua and they were put away for a couple of years after pleading guilty to hundreds of break ins on cars at fishing spots. While they were staying at the big house the reported car break ins in the area dropped by about 90 percent.
Hope you get it all sorted, if there is anything you have trouble replacing let me know and if I have any of whatever it is you are welcome to some of mine.
All the best.
Hey Mike,

Thanks for the report on the thieves getting caught. Sometimes bad people really do get caught and find out that if they do the crime, ultimately they have to do the time. Bravo!

Your kind and very generous offer to share your personal items with Jeff, is one of the very reasons I appreciate outdoorsman and especially flyfishers, they have heart. One flyfisher reaching out to another who has been hurt to help lift him/her back up, that's the sign and heart of a true "Brotherhood"!

Mike, I'm honored to call you Brother!

Kindest regards,


PS. Jeff, not to steal Mike's thunder, but if there's anything else that you still need after receiving help from Mike, please let me know, I'd be proud to also lend a helping hand if possible.