Quote Originally Posted by woodsman1st
Just returning to fly fishing after a 40 year layoff.

Our rivers and streams here in Idaho are really starting to rise; and going to get worse.

How do you fish these high, roiling, muddy waters now; and with what?

I don't want to wait util they clear; and I don't want to go back to bait and lures.
Typically, the higher up stream you go, the less water you'll have, however, my best advice for ya is to forget about the rivers and concentrate on stillwater for now. If you don't have a float tube or pontoon, get one. Or a canoe or anything that can get you out there. One nice thing about your neck of the woods is that typically the fishies will be in shallower water. So you can also do well from shore, if you can manage a back cast.
Trying to fish the rivers, especially with the rapid increase in temps you've been having is going to cause a huge amount of runoff resulting in extremely high cfps and water too muddy to fish.
BTW, after a 40 yr. rest, you should be ready to rock! Welcome back!!