
Thanks. That site is great, I spent a lot of time last night checking it out after your post.

I was talking to my mother the other day and she mentioned she hadn't seen any birds around the feeder for the last few days... then got a panic call from her... she had gone out back and there was a large bird trapped inside the screened in porch, right by the bird feeder... Turns out it was an immature redtail... don't know how it managed to get in there, but it took off safely once I shooed it outside.

Do you fish Comparadun/Sparkle Duns for the QG at all? Just curious, I usually don't get up to the WBr Delaware until May and haven't fished the Quill Gordons much, and usually with the catskill tie on the rare years I make it up there in midApril. Can't really say I've caught a good QG hatch.. I've just run into them sporadically when I've been up around Hancock.

Thanks again for the link and feedback.
