The claws are rubber bands. I started by tying the rubber band in a tight knot. I then clipped the tag end to about 3/8" long. I then snipped a V in the end and the rubber band did the rest. My book on crabs has some of the warmer water species with black on the inside of the claws, so a Sharpie did a passing job for that. The rubber band has a tendency to curl so I decided to mimic the defensive posture of a crawdad that live in my creek and have the claws point up. I also made the body more in the shape of a executioner's axe head, like those used in the movies to behead unwanted wives and other folks. The body was colored with permanant clothing paint pens. The eyes are 50 pound test catfish line that I melted over a candle, then colored with the Sharpie. I stuck the whole thing together with Zap-a-gap as the Velcro adhesive didn't stop the crab from rolling on the hook. I also added some non-lead wire to the hook shank to give it a little hump, and a little weight to sink.
I will know how well it works in two weeks from today!