The International Sportsman Exposition provides shirts with ?Master Fly Tier? embroidered on them, along with the tier?s name. Does this lend credence to one being a ?Master? of anything? No, of course not. I have tied in numerous various events, to include the ISE shows, the Oregon FFF Fly Tier?s expo, and the FFF event in West Yellowstone. I was honored to be chosen to tie but I do not consider myself to be a Master or an Expert.

What I have found is that the majority of the people who do tie in these expositions have certain skills and abilities that enable them to tie some great flies. Most tie specific type patterns and through repetition, and no little amount of skill, have become very adept. Are they ?Masters? in this very specific realm, well?yes, I would say they are.

In my opinion to be a true ?Expert? at fly tying you would have to be able to perform every nuance of the art and I have yet to meet anyone who meets that criteria. Many of us can look at a fly and would have a fairly good idea of the methods, materials and tying sequence necessary but it would take several flies of that particular pattern, in many instances, before you could consider yourself proficient. You can master one or more facets, but all??? I don?t think anyone on this earth has enough time and energy to do so.

Al Beatty is certainly one of the most accomplished fly tiers I have had the pleasure to meet. He is also a complete gentleman and congenial person who is willing to talk about his tying and withholds nothing in providing an education to us lesser beings. I have found this trait to be almost universal amongst the really top tiers throughout the world.

There are many, many tiers who would be asked to tie at the various expositions that take place. However, they may not have the time, or the inclination, to tie in public. And many of those are as good, or better, than many of us at the shows. Mastery of fly tying is a goal towards which to strive and someday I hope to be half masterful.