Talk to your local Game Warden. We are always looking for projects to help with. I have done these on deck boats and one thing to remember is to furnish shade. If you are going to be on land, check with fish farms in your area to maybe buy some fish to "enhance" the experience. Even though my brothers kids are handicapped, I never really knew how much work, thought and consideration the parents of these children must do. They really are "special" parents. This is a monumental undertaking for someone not really familiar with the needs of the handicapped but an extremely rewarding one.
After you do this several times, you will understand my willingness to immediately call a wrecker to tow a car illegally parked in a handicapped place.
We used straps with velcro to attach the rods to the arms of the children who could not grasp the poles but could set a hook. You talk about"miles of smiles" when they hooked one! Also, use lots of sunscreen since they can't move into the shade all the time as we can. Lots of fluids and sunglasses since most of the time these special kids aren't used to being outside. Wet towels around the necks,or those neck wraps you freeze in the freezer and put around their neck. Also, insect repellent. Avon Skin So Soft has a product that has all the ingredients to cover all the bases in this situation.
We started an imaginary fishing show while the kids were fishing and had one of us be a commentator telling what bait, technique,etc., that a child was using each time they caught a fish. There was lots of comedy built in and the kids would really participate and give each other, and us, nicknames and tell jokes on each other. An uproarious good time!
Hope I've given you some ideas. This is a good work that you do!


all types of fishermen must pull together for the good of all!!!