Gill nit,

I have to respectfully disagree with Jim.

A fly rod is designed to cast a certain weight RANGE efficiently. Not a 'line size' but a 'weight'.

EVERY line has a portion that weighs EXACTLY the optimum casting weight for your rod, regardless of what weight the rod is rated for. The portion just differs in LENGTH.

Optimum casting distance is achieved by correctly loading the rod, line speed, and timing. An expert can do this on just about any rod with just about any line weight. I saw a fellow, I think his last name was White, cast 3 through 9 weight lines on a 5 weigth rod. He cast the ENTIRE line of each size...

Now, most of us aren't expert enough to duplicate that feat.

Still, if you routinely cast shorter distances (40 feet or less) or deal with wind a lot, one or two line weights over the rod rating can be a help. If you want really long casts and tend to try to hold a lot of line in the air (over forty feet), then going DOWN a line size might be best for you.

Most folks find that overlining is more helpful than under.

So, a six weight line will be fine on your 5 wt.. So will a seven. A four too. It will require some adjustments, maybe. Maybe not. Depending on the rod, it's not uncommon for the 'rating' to be off on the low side as well.

If you can get the lines 'cheap' get several and try them. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Good Luck!

