Hi Dudley,

Your recommendation to Gramps might be a good one, along with a Ty-Rite to finish the actual knot.

I'd like to apologize for my snotty comment earlier in this thread ... the BB deserves classier behaviour ... but I just saw red when you told Gramps to practice more. Only he knows exactly what his eyesight (and manual dexterity) is like and ... and if you can't see ... you can't see. All the practice in the world won't help, and I don't believe that he's the kind of guy who gives up easily.

However, we both apparently agree that technology might help to alleviate that PITA vision handicap.

I just bought a dozen Scientific Anglers L2L Re-connect leaders ... and will have them pre-loaded with a good choice of flies (using hand rests and a big bright magnifier and a Ty-Rite) before I leave home.

Whatever works ...
