
Everybody has a brand preference and you need to find yours so I won't go there BUT...

When you say "different" styles of dry fly hook; I recommend that you think about sticking with a regular length shank dry fly hook like Mustad 94840, Daiichi 1180, or TMC 100; before you branch out into different styles.

When I first started tying I thought I needed whatever hook the recipe called for in as many sizes as I thought I would encounter. Later I realized I could get by with one style for 90% of my dries. The other 10% was only needed when I wanted a curved hook shank or a smaller size that wasn't available in my regular style.

BTW, for years I just bent the straight hook shank when I wanted a curve so you could do that too.

Good luck in the search. When you choose a brand I'm sure folks here could point you in the direction of good sources.