Quote Originally Posted by Ronn Lucas
Microwaving will not kill the feather/skin eating bugs! DON'T rely on that! The bugs are too small and will just dance around the microwaves. Freezing is no guarantee that the same bugs or eggs will be killed. They survive freezing in nature so what makes you think a freezer is different. Some guys use flea collars and that may work. I use chemicals on my feathers, lots of them. Make sure the moth balls/crystals say they kill carpet beetles and the eggs. You do not want them in your fur & feathers. They leave behind harry little cases behind. You can get an indication of bugs by shaking the plastic bag with the material in it and looking for fine "dust" in the bottom of the bag. This can be bug fecal matter.

I never introduce new or suspect materials before they have been in quaranteen for a couple months WITH chemicals.

Some will rely in inadequate methods for killing or repelling bugs but with many thousands of dollars worth of fur & feathers, I won't.

As Denny said, washing in hot water is a good first step. It's just a step however.
Would you mind sharing more specificaly what chemicals you refer to as using a lot of? I assume your not talking about Febreze. I don't have thousands of dollars of materials, but still my little bit is important to me.
