As one old bald guy to another let me say this about that. Bring a GPS. If you get off the road or go out on a lake you can get seriously lost. This is a spot on the globe where you could walk for 100 miles and never see anything of humanity. Know where you are going, tell someone when you plan on coming back.

Try the Isabella River for brookies, lots of brookies up there. There is also some size restrictions on some rivers between the river mouth and the first barrier. They are trying to get the coasters back. Caught one last year on the Namadji. 17" coaster, what a thrill. Might want to charter out on the big lake. You can catch lakers out of the river mouths, I have heard. I find Lake Superior to be a very humbling place. One of the few spots in North America you can die from hypothermia in July.
One last thought, the no-see-ums will eat your ears off. Be prepared.