I am a Canadian too and over the years have bought a lot of things from catalogues and over the Internet from the US. It seems to me to be a recurring frustration that the best deals that I read about aren't available to Canadians as those vendors won't ship to the Canada!!
I do have some words of advice to Canadians considering purchases from US sources. DO NOT EVER HAVE SOMETHING SENT TO YOU BY FEDEX. That company charges exorbitant brokerage and other fees that can amount to more than the cost of the item that you are purchasing. Have things sent by USPS which is in some way harmonized with Canada Post and can save you a lot of money and aggravation. For some reason if you have the item sent USPS air it is often not assessed for GST or PST (our wonderful Canadian taxes)which can again make for considerable savings. I recently purchased a pair of Patagonia breathable waders on sale in the US and they were posted via USPS air and with no additional taxes. I saved a bundle on that transaction, and I sent a thankyou via email to the vendor.