Hi Bob,

Right now I looking at using Bozeman as the central point for the trip.
Would you recommend that we possibly hit one of the lodges/with guide service, stay in a local Bozeman Hotel and fish independently, stay local and go out with a guide ? <<

Don't mean to knock BozeAngelas (Oops! Just did! , but I don't think there's a lot of fishing opportunities close to Bozeman (that's why their guides drive all the way over here - Livingston, MT). There's the Gallatin (not one of my favorites), Lower Madison (from Ennis Lake) which is usually too warm during the summer, and the East Gallatin. Yellowstone Park fishing is a bit of a haul from there.

The Missouri (north of Helena) is a fantastic fishery but that's the only river to fish in that area (as far as I know). Dittoes for the Big Horn (hope you like crowds!).
