Ever eager to confusticate where possible, I offer you the thoughts of one rodbuilder on the subject of taper design -- [url=http://overmywaders.com/articles/Montagnespeaksout.html:6f411]Mike Montagne[/url:6f411]

Now, after you have waded through that, you can begin to understand his second article on that site. (You can, I can't)

With all the conflicting theories of rod action, and all the varying actions themselves, I posit that it is impossible to standardize rod actions. For, even if you had an agreement on objective criteria for the terms "Fast", "Slow", "Parabolic", etc., you would be no farther ahead because the individual's casting style makes his subjective definition more significant. I don't care if CCS tells me it's a 4wt Fast, when for my purposes, with my choice of line, it's a 5wt Medium. N'est pas?

I'd like to see any system that could objectively characterize the CastleConnell Kick taper. [I've had a rod similar -- the mid is purposely weak to delay the action, the tip is heavy, with the result that, uncomfortable as it is to hold and cast, it flings line out fast and far.]