Quote Originally Posted by jgestar
Which model Fenwick? I have an FF756, two piece that is very happy casting a WF6 line (the line is an honest 160 grains - exactly a 6 weight). I also have an FF756, four piece which casts very nicely with a WF5.

More important is how much line you tend to cast. If you typically cast short distances, you will need a heavier line to load the rod. If you are always casting for the next county, then a lighter line will load the rod properly. The actual weight of 25 feet of 7 weight line = 30 feet of 6 weight = 35 feet of 5 weight. The more you tend to hold in the air during a cast, the lighter the line you need to load the rod.

Dear Tom,

With all due respect I think you are seriously over analyzing this. I fish a Sage 490-4RPL most often, and I fish it over distances ranging from 10 to 55 or 60 feet. Based on what you are saying above I'm thinking I either need a 1 weight or maybe an 8 or 9 weight line on the rod, yet somehow it works just fine with a Cortland 444 Peach WF4 whether I am chuck-n-duck nymphing or fishing size 22 BWO's. That should be impossible should it not?

Best Wishes,