Quote Originally Posted by dixieangler
Do any of you folks use this Dragonfly Nymph pattern? Does it work for you? Do you fish it on a floating line or sinking line? I have tied one (original pattern, no tail like the natural) and intend on giving it a try (we have size 8 brown/tan colored ones here) but am mainly wondering if it works best on a floating line or on a sinking line. Thanks.
Robert, I've been pursuing dragon fly nymphs lately and in answer to your question..it is definitely mainly meant to fish on a sinking line..[and as said above I suppose it will work on a floating line also] ...the idea is though to have these floating dragon fly nymphs fished a little off the bottom.

In case you haven't seen it Skip Morris has an article on just this subject in the Winter 2007 of Flyfishing & Tying Journal..."Morris on Nymphs that float....and he discusses 3 such nymphs..of course one is the Predator.