
Dont forget to take a few egg sucking leeches along with you. I have had times where the trout have seen and eaten so many eggs, they are very reluctant to take an egg patter. However, in these situations something like the ESL will not only attract the interests of their hunger, but also their instick to hit moving objects that enter their space. You can swing them in front of trout you can see, or behind the salmon if you do not see the trout. I have also had good luck with an egg sucking zonker and an egg sucking sculpin in these situations as well. Dont forget to enjoy the beuty of seeing the salmon doing their thing. I will always remember the best day of trout fishing i ever had, as i was able to watch a pair of 50# kings lay some eggs, fertilize the eggs, and chase a large rainbow trying to sneak in for an easy meal. Almost felt like a peeping tom!

Enjoy the day.

Have fun, Jeff