Put the feathers in a pillow-case, and dry in the tumble-dryer, on cool for ten or twenty minutes. Saves a lot of time and hassle! (Just don't tell the wife!!!)

The feathers can be plucked from any bird once it has cooled sufficiently.. if you don't want the meat, just skin the bird and keep the feathers on the skin! That's when borax comes in handy! Just pin the skin, feather down, on a piece of plywood... , scrape off any excess fat,sprinkle on some borax, scrape off 24 hours later, then repeat as necessary until skin feels like cardboard, store in a polygrip bag with blotting paper on the skin side!
Hope this helps??


As featured in Trout Fisherman, UK, Jan 2005! I'd still rather be fishin'!!