"Although several manufacturers were field-testing equipment laminated from exotic fibers, Fenwick was the first to exhibit its experimental rods in 1973. Their debut came at the annual summer conclave of the Federation of Fly Fishermen, which gathered in Sun Valley"

"Orvis started its line of carbon-fiber rods shortly after Fenwick introduced its high-modulus designs."

"He (Jimmy Green) has continued to refine his Feralite ferrules, until their present design is an unusual combination of lightness and strengh. Most ferrule connections consist of a single rod shaft cut in two or three sections and joined togather, but the Fenwick patent involves two separate rod blanks. The tip section has a hollow butt reinforced with a firmly seated guide, and the butt section has a tip reinforced with a solid glass plug." (1969)

All quotes from
Trout Tackle - Two ... by Ernest Schwiebert