We've made some progress on this front, but we're not out of the weeds yet.

The public hearing on the Battenkill management plan was last week (9/21) and those of in favor of 'keeping it wild' outnumbered those in favor of stocking by approximately 4-to-1. The period for public comment extends until 10/21 - so barring a giant write-in by those in favor of turning the BK into a put-and-take fishery, we're looking good in terms of maintaining the Battenkill as a wild fishery for the forseeable future.

For those interested in lending their voices, send an email to VT Fisheries Biologist Ken Cox at Ken.Cox@state.vt.us and let him know that you favor keeping it wild.

Thanks to all who've written in to date or attended the hearing in person and spoke up!

The Southwestern Vermont Chapter of Trout Unlimited