Dear Charlie,

You probably won't like my answer, but I am going to give it to you anyway.

You will absolutely be better off with bootfoot waders in salt. Sand gets into everything and wet sand is heavy and uncomfortable when it fills your wading shoes. If you walk much you will definitely increase the chances or prematurely wearing out or damaging the neoprene booties found on most stockingfoot breathable waders.

Waders that feature built-in gravel guards help to minimize the influx of sand but they will not eliminate it entirely.

If you intend to fish from, or cross, or walk on jetties in the salt you are almost required to have some sort of heavy duty traction aiding cleats or chains. The moss and slime and algae that is common on jetties is extremely slippery.

One spill on a wet jetty could cost you a broken limb or even your life. I've seen unconcious people carried off jetties by rescue personnel on more than one occasion. If there hadn't been witnesses I can only imagine what could have happened.

I would take you local shop's advice and look at bootfoot waders with either Aquastealth or felt soles. Depending on which manufacturer you chose you can get studs on bootfoots. If you choose to go without studs stay away from rocks and jetties in the salt.

If you get non-studded soles you have several options to add traction. The least expensive and one of the best ways is to get a pair of rubber overshoes that have metal golf spikes or aluminum discs in them. Next in expense are the wrap-around chains, but they frequently fall off in the fit isn't absolutely perfect. Most expensive, but extremely rugged are Korkers or similar strap-on cleated soles.

Enjoy the salt, but don't take unnecessary risks with your gear or your limbs. If you will not be near jetties or rocks you can get by fine with plain bootfoot waders. You may even chose to get an inexpensive pair of bootfoot waders and spend the bulk of your money on a more versatile pair for use in freshwater. Whatever you choose to do, get a wading belt and wear it!

Best Wishes,