You didn't say whether this is a bamboo, glass, or graphite rod. The point is that, if you use epoxy on a bamboo or old glass rod, it may require more heat to remove the tip top in the future than the rod can withstand. More than one builder has been surprised by a projectile tip top and a burned, shredded, mushroomed rod tip--picture one of the old cartoon characters with an exploding cigar in their mouth and blackened face! The same thing can happen with watersealed ferrules. One easy way to use the heat and melt adhesive (many makers use the amber colored stuff designed for arrowheads) is to shave off a few little pieces (doesn't take much), stick them down in the tip top, and heat the tip top (holding it with hemostats or pliers) until the glue melts. Then stick the tip top quickly on the rod tip and hold in place for a few seconds. The reason your tip top was trying to come off was pressure built up inside--you coated the rod tip and the inside of the tip top, so there was too tight a seal and the tiny little bit of air inside, heated, needed to get out.