Quote Originally Posted by JMoody
Does anyone have any experience using furled leaders? I saw some for sale online and they were described as having a small ring to connect the tippet to. I've used braided leaders before are they anything alike?

First off, there is a difference between furled and braided. In fact they are nothing alike, one is braided the other furled (like old rope)
I have used both, I make my own furled and use them religiously, braided however, I don't care for, causes sray when lifted off the water and I personally don't like the way the drift on the water. As far as I know, Orvis is the only one that sells Braided, but I could be wrong on that.
Also, when I make my own furled, I use a shorb loop on the end, haven't used the ring basically cause to make them all I need is 0.6 UNI thread and that is it, I don't want to be buying a bunch of rings, the idea was they are cheap to make, specially if you tie, you already have the thread.

Just my $0.02 worth.