I worst tangle story is more a heartbreak as opposed to taking time to untangle lots of line. I was fishing my lake on the "flats" for gill and bass when a noticed a tailing carp about 100 feet away. The tail looked the size of my hand so I knew it was a big one. I've always wanted to land a carp on my fly rod so I carefully motored close ehough to the carp to get a good cast. Carp are constantly speared on my lake, so they are very wary and I get very few opportunities to site fish carp. I grabed my 6wt with a grub imitation and after a few casts I managed to hook it. The carp took off like a freight train. Unfortuately, the line had tangled around my foot and my 3X tippet snapped like a thread. I wish I would have had a chance to land the fish, but the one little tangle prevented my catch of the summer.