"There have been no facts left out on this story, the names have not been changed to protect the inonncent"

The rod was an FLP+905/6 i bought it online for less than retail last year in december and sent in my card. I dont remember it saying there was such a high fee but if others do I believe them.I didn't step on it or shut it in the car door. I was just fishing a wooly bugger with the rod and out of the blue it broke midcast.

i called fly logic first thing monday morning and spoke to one person and then his manager. Neither offered any compromise or ammends and said that it would be $75 even if they were rewrapping just a couple of guides for me which i was gonna have to have done this week before it broke. This is one of my biggest gripes.

If i had known that this was their policy before i made the purchase i think it would have affected my purchase. I have learned a good lesson from this and will be making a trip to a LOCAL fly shop and spending my money there on a TFO or another affordable rod with a good warranty this week.