Thanks for the input. I'll try to post some pics if I figure out how. I still have a question or two.

First off, I didn't get to go today like I wanted. I evidently had dropped a #12 dry fly hook earlier in the day and it got lost on the floor. While getting my things together at around 4:00AM this morning, I somehow got the hook stuck in the end of my small toe, all the way to the bend. I tried to get it out using the fishing line method, but it was stuck. I then tried to push it through to cut off the barb, but it wouldn't budge. My wife woke up and freaked, She forced me to ride with her to the emergency room. When they X-Rayed it, they found that it was stuck in my toe-bone. They ended up cutting it out and pulling it with pliers (I could've done that, given enough time). I can't do anything for a few days except sit and tie flies. I'm gonna go to the river next week.

TerryB: Orange and brown on a Clouser? Which color goes on top?

FrankB: I'm with you. I use chain-bead eyes on my clousers as well. They're cheaper and work great.

Thanks again for everyone's help.

Semper Fi!