I now have a great shopping list to get this afternoon. The 20# flourocarbon is a bit difficult to find. The best I have been able to find is 15# at a local outfitter here. I have a list of fly patterns to find now. Thank you! There were a few in my flybox but I need to get some more.

On bait rods, we were using 3/0 hooks w/ shrimp that we left out in the trunk for a couple of days, then chilled. There was a major stink factor but we caught the largest cats on that stuff usually after midnight. That being said, I will have to try to find some scents. I have never used them before. It's amazing how limited the MT shops are for gear for going after catfish and the larger, chain stores like Big Bear are not much help either.

That book looks great...the reviews of it are great. I will have to order it. Thank you for the referral.

Catfish have been some of the funnest to catch...they are strong, they fight, they run and they jump. I have had several that have come 2' out of the water...whatta blast!!!!!