Once again, thank you for the feed-back and information ! Please continue...

Meanwhile, let me provide some clarity about this quest. Every week, two new adolescents arrive at the facility of my employment. Equally, two have accomplished their stay and move forward in life. Sadly, it is common to see them return in a year or discover that they are one more statistic added to the list of gang activity, drug overdose, or state penitentiary. Needless to say, hope for their healthy future becomes dim as they pack up clothing, books/cards of encouragement, arts & craft items, and endless words of wisdom. Hence, the window of opportunity is narrow as related to their attitude/behavior and time for teaching is limited to less than 28 days.

Obviously, ?Eagle Village Fish-In? has the right ingredients as related to this quest. Truly, the organization of Family Tyes offers excellent information and Trout Unlimited has great suggestions; however, my associates are the first log jamb to navigate. Naturally, the next step will be approval from state agencies. Hereby, the more information of positive results will add to the collection of variety and eventually catch the approval of state endorsement.
