Thanks to all who have replied in support of Keeping it Wild on the Battenkill.

As AgMD pointed out, the state is currently in the public opinion gathering phase -- which means now is the time we need you to fire off a quick email to [email:399c4][/email:399c4], Commissioner of VT F&W. It needn't be fancy, just tell him that you think the BK should continue to be managed as a Wild Trout Stream, with the focus kept on real river restoration sans stocking.

This public opinion gathering phase will probably go on for another few weeks and we'll be advised of a series of public meetings to be held in Aug/Sept, open to all, and meant as an opportunity to come and discuss the issue, and prove our point. Needless to say, we're not happy about the fact that the state is making this more a matter of public opinion or who makes the most noise. If it were up to us, we'd have the state manage the river and the resource based on science with the goal being real, positive and sustainable long-term river restoration.

Thanks to all for your continued support, and please drop by our site for more information on this issue, email addresses of who you can contact to voice your opinion, and of course, to add your name to our petition opposing stocking the BK.

[url=]Southwestern Vermont Chapter of Trout Unlimited[/url:399c4]