Quote Originally Posted by FishnDave View Post
Yes, the carp were/are in the shallows around here now. Even the Grass Carp were shallow yesterday....like in 18" of water. I still couldn't catch one. ;o)
You're grass carp pursuit, is like my buffalo pursuit. Crazy hard to get them to eat. I've caught about a half dozen Buffs on the fly, but they are an exercise in frustration. I cast and cast to them and they just ignore most of my offerings. A pink chenille short SJ worm has been successful in the past but just haven't turned a fish in a while now on that fly for the buffalo. They say that they don't eat any meat like the grass carp, but we both know that they will eat, SOMETIMES.

Well you are giving me hope that when I get out later this week, I might have some success. Just have to get my crazy taxes done first TODAY. OK, off the boards and back to taxes.