I was just in Savannah for the first time a few weeks ago. What a beautiful town. And full of some lovely, friendly people. It has to be a nice place to live.

I went back and read Neil's article again. I am from the same waters that JC and LF started out in. Neil too, I think. I have never met any fly fisherman on any of those rivers I would take exception to. I guess I am just lucky because I know they are there somewhere. I did run into a rather obnoxious drop back fisherman in a boat on the Manistee. And one steelhead guide (out of dozens) I didn't like. But that is not what we are really talking about, is it?

The real trout fishermen of old are farm boys with cane poles. They probably didn't like the guy with the funny looking rod and reel in waders fishing their turf either. Point being, we don't own the stream. People are what people are and it changes with time and equipment. We can't make time go back no matter how we lament it. Might as well scream at the darkness.

There is no law that we have to buy graphite because it is there. We can still use waxed cotton instead of gortex. We don't have to use breathable waders. We don't have to use air cell plastic flylines. We can still buy single malt scotch. Cuban cigares are a problem though.

Relax. There is always room for someone who doesn't fish the way you think it should be done. As long as he doesn't break the law or intentionally violate your space, let him have his due.

