
Uh, correction: Better make that another THREE hundred yards of backing I'd need to add to my reel before trying for one of those horses. Osteopath surgeons in the Lake Texoma area must do a land office business repairing the busted knuckles of fishermen.

Man, you need to write lots more WW stories about your trips for these monsters. Lord have mercy...


Yeah, probably you've heard of Idaho somewhere; a few Kansans know of its existence, not many, though. To get there, just go two states west of Kansas, turn right and go one state north. Or, you can go one state north, turn left and go two states west (that's how I got there last time). Take a LOT of drinking water with you on the trip, in case your vehicle suffers a mechanical breakdown? South Idaho is so dry it makes western Kansas look like the Garden of Eden.

Am I the Joe that Rory knows? Hmmm...trickier question. Let me give it a think.