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Thread: Where's The Bass on a Fly Forum?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Davis, IL, USA

    Default Where's The Bass on a Fly Forum?

    Under another topic, guys are busy creating a stereotype of the warm water fly fisher. Do we need another one? I have another thought.

    Fly Fishing is so identified with trout and salmon that some assume that the method goes with the fish. Guys like McClane and McNally, showed us a long time ago that that ain't so. Nevertheless, trout fly fishermen are still hoggging the name.

    Everyone else is thrown into a miscelaneous category-Warm Water Fly Fishers. That puts a guy fishing for Peacock bass in Miami canals and a guy fishing for Pike on lakes in the Yukon in the same category. Actually the only thing the same are the mosquitoes. Whether you target Grass Carp, White Crappies, or Channel Catfish on a fly, you are all in the same group.

    Right now I am a declared Bass Fly Fisherman with a dominant interest in Smallmouth an Largemouth bass. Though I respect the challenge of Carp on a fly, Panfish on a Fly, and Muskies on a fly, I reject the idea of just tossing all of us into the "other" fly fishers bucket. I would like to see a Bass on the Fly forum just as others would like to see Carp or Pike on a fly forums.

    Just my thought, what do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    I just consider myself a fly fisherman that enjoys fly fishing for just about any kind of fish. Living in Georgia, the majority of my fly fishing is for Bass and Bream, but I get to chase trout as well as some saltwater stuff. I do find it interesting however, at the number of people I run into that seem amazed that you can fly fish for bass. Many people assume that you can only fly fish for trout since that is all that is shown on TV or in the movies. They also assume that the only flies available are tiny (to them)and made to imitate insects.

    Jim Smith

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I fly fish for all kinds of fish and really do not care what "group" I am lumped in with. Just let me fish and tie my flies. Really do not understand why some get all upset because they do not have their own section. Fly fishing is just that...fishing with a fly. What you catch is up to where you are fishing and what is available to you to catch. Let's just all share our ideas and go fishing.

    My .02 worth.

    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001
    McKinney TX USA
    Blog Entries



    I apologize for any offense taken from my thread. None was intended. I lay all the responsibility on the extreme Texas heat wave that has addled my senses of late.

    I was really trying to be humourous, there is a stereotype for trout snaggers, the bowler hat, bow tie, pipe and tweeds which is absolutely not the norm nor typical in any fashion; heck I even fish for trout on occasion.

    No intention to pigeon hole anyone, just wanted to have a little fun. As the old song goes, "I didn't know the gun was loaded and it'll never ever happen again".

    [url=http://www.robinscustomleadersandflies.com:ca693]Sweetness On The Water[/url:ca693]
    [url=http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/huntwild/wild/species/bgl/:ca693]Good Ol? Lepomis Macrochirus[/url:ca693]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Poulsbo, Washington State, U.S.A.


    Bear742, perhaps you should start your own site for those poor insulted groups. Let us know and we will send folks to it. Sorry we didn't think you worthy enough to give you a forum of your own. In fact,,, I think I saw one the other day on another web site, just can't remember where it was.

  6. #6


    Most of the time that I go fishing, I too am targeting bass. I am using an 8wt and throwing heavy flies. But, I have also launched with the intent of only catching specs (crappie). Same with catfish. Same with bluegill.

    But, what WWFF truly is, IMHO, is throwing size 6-8 flies and catching many different species in one trip. It is a blast.

    So, I guess I don't mind being "lumped together".

    Check out [url=http://www.thebasspond.com:497cc]www.thebasspond.com[/url:497cc]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Lawrence, KS, USA


    What I would like to see in FAOL is more trout fishermen sending in stories and photos of their trips. For that matter, I'd like to see more Warm Water fishers sending in stories, too. More stories for Panfish as well. More saltwater. More of everything.

    Two years ago when I discovered this site what struck me as incredible -- and I mean incredible in a good way -- is that a site called Fly Anglers On Line gave so much respect and space to fly rod panfishing, bass fishing, all manner of non-trout fly fishing.

    I was stunned to see this because, like most people who take up the sport, you feel really wierd at first if you're using fly tackle to go after anything OTHER than a trout, a salmon or some other coldwater fish. Living in Kansas, holding a fly rod in public made me feel like an alien from another planet.

    But my thing is, I dig reading about people fishing for anything. My hope is that many of the people who I KNOW are good writers -- and I'm talking about most of you guys, who for some reason are restricting your fishing writing to FAOL Bulletin Board posts -- will devote a portion of your talent to writing feature stories about the fishing you do.

    And if you ask me -- and nobody has -- there aren't ENOUGH trout fishing stories in FAOL. Who's fault is that? Chris Chin up in Canada is sure doing his part by showing us some beautiful environments trout live in, and man, I totally zone out looking at his photos of such places. But Chris seems to be the only person writing about trout fishing besides Ladyfisher and Sir Castwell.

    I don't see it as Ladyfisher's and Mr. Castwell's life mission to be the ONLY American trout fishing writers on this site. They are generous people who are willing to share site space on any fishing topic under the sun. Rick Zieger is the same way, and so am I. We just write because we dig doing it. But you guys all dig writing as much as we do.

    So to anyone who's upset or feeling deprived because they're not seeing enough stories published here about the fish species or fishing styles you like best, hey, I feel your pain. Well, just pull your chair up to a computer keyboard and let it rip. It's all right there inside your head. You're stories will educate and entertain your fellow aficionados whatever their numbers. And you'll definitely be helping the rest of us flyrodders because about everybody who reads this site is interested in whatever you're doing, interested in how you think about stuff whether they agree or not.


    "Better small than not at all."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Ft Wayne, IN


    Suggestion: For those that object to being "tossed into the ww fishing catagory" - google "fly fishing for bass forums". That will send you to kindred spirits. [This post reminds me why I stopped subscribing to BASS many, many, many years ago.]


  9. #9


    I like to catch all kinds of warm water fish even though I am a little preferential to bream and Specks (especially on the supper table ). I would rather not catch gar but it happens .

    Robert B. McCorquodale
    Sebring, FL

    "Flip a fly"

    [This message has been edited by dixieangler (edited 20 July 2006).]
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    Here in Ohio, we are blessed with a varied fishery. As a result, I flyfish for whatever is there, be it bass, gills, trout, steelhead, crappie, cats, etc. I just enjoy flyfishing. This site does give lots of space & respect to flyfishing warmwater & that is great. IMHO, warmwater flyfishers who have never trout or saltwater fished, trout flyfishers who have never flyfished for warmwater or saltwater species, and saltwater fishers who haven't flyfished cold & warm freshwater are ALL missing part of the total & grand experience that is our beloved sport of flyfishing. As for myself, I have yet to take my first saltwater fish on the fly, but that will happen the next time I get to the coast..BET on that one!

    You can call me Mike & you can call me Mikey..Just remember that this site's about sharing!
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

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