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Thread: Help, Spin fishers out fishin me for LMB

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Near Chattanooga, TN, USA

    Default Help, Spin fishers out fishin me for LMB

    I need some advice.....

    Around south east Tennessee, the most popular fish is the LM Bass. I have been fishing with several buddies and neighbors and all us spin rods and plastic worms/lizards. I am new to the world of bass fishing and have only taken fishing seriously. I picked up a fly rod this winter for the first time and still have some learning to do. I have spent many days on the trout stream and have recently been trying LMB fishing with buddies.

    The last few times, the water temps have been around 90 degs and the bass have been hanging close to the banks of the river under the trees. (I understand why) and my Clouser minnows and Buggers just haven't been producing. Last weekend, my buddy pulled out 7-8 with a Lizard and I got one decent Sunfish. I came home a little discouraged.

    I need some advice:

    Am I using the right fly for this time of year?

    What can I do to keep more weed free?

    Am I picking the wrong friends? hehehe

    Please help me here......Barry

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Richmond Texas


    I've been using a rabbit zonker clouser (guess thats the best description) and it's been producing ok. I'd be happy to send you a few. The pond I've been fishing has plenty of weeds & moss and this one, which rides with the hook up does not pick up too much.

    Leo C.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Do you tie your own? We make ours weedless useing ss wire, guitar string wire, or single strand ss trolling wire. Just like the Eagle Claw weedless worm hooks, only we do it after the bug is made.
    Toss'em ANYWHERE!
    ....lee s.

  4. #4


    Pick up a copy of "Bassin With a Fly Rod" by Jack Ellis. He has lots of tips and flys that has help me improve my catch. Also there are several articles on FAOL if you do a search.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Heath, Ohio, USA


    This may not be popular on this website but I enjoy all types of fishing. Personally I don?t like fishing deep with a fly rod. I love fishing top water to 3 feet with the fly rod. In my opinion you will catch many more LM Bass with a spin or casting outfit and lures typically used with them. It depends on what you want?productivity or enjoyment. I do enjoy fly fishing the most and spend many hours fishing on top when I know that I will catch more on the bottom with spinning gear.

  6. #6


    Try some large (size 2 and 4) bass poppers, pencil poppers, and Crease flies on the surface. Wire weedguards inserted through the body of poppers work or mono loop weedguards. If the bass are picky, try some size 8 Deer Hair Caddis flies. Dick Stewart's Bass Flies is a good book if you tie your own flies. Best of luck.

    Robert B. McCorquodale
    Sebring, FL

    "Flip a fly"
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    rorsborn makes a good point. Not saying you can't catch some fish but, I doubt you are going to compete with a lizard this time of year.

    But remember under the right conditions you *own* that first four feet of water column.
    "Flyfishing is not a religion. You can make up your own rules as you go.".. Jim Hatch.. 2/27/'06

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Near Chattanooga, TN, USA


    Leo C.:
    <<I've been using a rabbit zonker clouser (guess thats the best description) and it's been producing ok.>>

    I recently received one of these in black in a swap I did. It was called a "Gill Buster" but I haven't made some for myself. Will have to give it a go.

    Lee S:

    <<Do you tie your own? We make ours weedless useing ss wire>>

    Yes, I LOVE tying. I think I enjoy tying more than fishing if that is possible. I would like more info on wire diameters and how you make the setup. Is it a loop or straight?

    Thanks for the book recommendation.....I will have to find a copy. I have looked through some of the FAOL articles but haven't exhausted them yet.

    I spent many years trying to be productive with a spin rod and I have enjoyed this hobby much more with my fly rod setups. I know there are pros and cons with both and I still use my spin rods from time to time. I just am trying to understand more aspects of the fly side of the hobby and how to fish LM Bass this time of year.

    I will have to tie up some poppers. I have a few but haven't had any luck with them. Shouldn't I be trying more sub flys this time of year? Seems like they are lower and under cover. Just can't seem to see how to get the fly close enough. Maybe I just need to practice more and it will come together.

    Thanks everyone for the advice. Maybe I just am too new to this side of the hobby. Anybody have some links to some good flys I could try? What are "bass bugs" and are they used often?

    Have a great day, Barry

  9. #9


    The last few times, the water temps have been around 90 degs and the bass have been hanging close to the banks of the river under the trees.
    I suggested poppers and Crease flies because of your above reference to the bass being shallow.

    I will have to tie up some poppers. I have a few but haven't had any luck with them.
    I am confident that you will have luck with them in time at the right time .

    Shouldn't I be trying more sub flys this time of year? Seems like they are lower and under cover. Just can't seem to see how to get the fly close enough.
    I would try both surface and subsurface. If one isn't working maybe the other one will. Casting practice so you can get the fly into the strike zone will most definately help .

    What are "bass bugs" and are they used often?
    I think what is meant by "bass bug" is a "hair bug" of some sort. Usually similar to the shapes of a popper but tied (by spinning or stacking) with deer body hair, antelope, and so on. I believe they are used very often with good results .

    One example in this thread of a hair bug: [url=http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/Forum5/HTML/005909.html:971aa]http://www.flyanglersonline.com/bb/Forum5/HTML/005909.html[/url:971aa]

    [url=http://chemprof.tripod.com/crease.htm:971aa]Crease Fly[/url:971aa]

    Best of luck.

    Robert B. McCorquodale
    Sebring, FL

    "Flip a fly"
    Robert B. McCorquodale

    "Flip a fly"

  10. #10


    I think you are in the right church but wrong pew. I have been catching Spotted Bass here in North Georgia with my Fly Rod for the past month. I have found that in high pressure lakes a Fly Rodder will win over conventional tackle.

    Here is why. You are going to present a different lure, with a lot less noise. It does not spook the fish.

    Yesterday I caught a 14" spotted bass using a Rubber Legged dragon Fly. You can see this fly at [url=http://www.flyfishga.com.:24214]www.flyfishga.com.[/url:24214] This fly sinks and is deadly on Bass. Dave Whitlock has a number of fly and techniques that will help you beat those spin fishers

    All I can say is learn from the Spin Fishers. And then adapt your own style.

    There was one day I followed a spin fisher. After he came up empty I pulled a Bass out of the same water he had just fished.

    Try tying a lizard fly. You never know what you will get.

    Fly Rodders win over Spin fishers in shallow water every time.

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