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Thread: Bass fishing questions

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2006


    okflyfisher is absolutely right. My rod tip is often in the water itself, and the hook set is via a straight and firm line pull. Keep the slack out of the line at all times.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Blog Entries


    I usually fish small and even a #14 seems big. If you have any big huge hoppers try those.
    I spent a weekend recently catching largemouths on clousers tied with a #6 TIEMCO 200R, with my 4 weight! Loads of fun from the float tube. Another good pattern is a bunny leach.

    Have fun,

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Redding, Ca, USA


    Well I was able to scrape together some bucktail from an old fly tying kit I got for christmas many years ago and tied a couple of Clousers. I used a size 4 Tiemco 800S. They came out pretty well. I also have a pretty good supply of Wooly Buggers and Bunny Leeches in various colors so hopfully I will get a chance to give them a shot in the next few days. I am really looking forward to trying something new. Thank you everybody for your suggestions I will let you know how I fair.

    Born to fish forced to work.

  4. #14



    I do not know what size your bass are but I use a 9 wt setup and throw a 2/0 clouser the same one I head out for snook or speckle trout.

    I have caught bass on smaller hooks but when I am going for bass the smallest hook I use is 2/0.
    The biggest bass so far on the fly rod is 10lb 4oz this fish was released to make big babies.

    I keep all color of the clousers in my box, I tend to fish stained water so bright colors are my favorites.

    If you are fishing for smaller bass then smaller hooks would be acceptable.

    Keep fishing and catching. Also Jim Hatch has some killer bass flys that he makes for top water. Nothing beats catching a big bass on top water. Well maybe a new boat but that would be all...

    Go get em


  5. #15


    After you've tied all of the above suggestions Try tying the largest wolly bugger you can. It should be olive and at least 4-5 inches long. A 1/0 streamer hook works good. You'll need a little weight, I prefer led wrapped in the middle of the hook, just enough to get it to sink slowly. I don't like putting flash on this one, just keep it natural.

    If you need to work it deep put a small split shot up half way on the leader, this way the bugger will dance. I hate buggers that are too heavy, it makes it harder to finess it.

    Big bass like big flies so make sure you have enough tippet to handle the big boys.

    Good Luck

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Clouser, generally a baitfish immi comes to mind first. OK, what size baitfish? I would use a hook sized accordingly, from #10 to #2/0. Same proceedure if you're useing the bug to immi crawdads....what size crawdad?
    jargo.....sounds a lot like something we use, big bugger tied with a rabbit strip tail. Tossed ONto the bank and pulled into the water can be exciting.
    ....lee s.

  7. #17


    Lee S
    Sounds like worth trying. Kinda like a cross between a leech and a bugger. Bass like flies they've never seen B4 I'll have to go tie one.

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