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Thread: Joe Hyde's Overlined 1 Wt.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Germantown, TN, USA

    Default Joe Hyde's Overlined 1 Wt.


    In your warm water article you talked about your new 1 wt. Clear Creek that you overlined with a WF2F. How is that working out for you? Are you staying with the WF2F? Or have you drop back to a WF1F?
    Curious minds want to know!
    Thanks, Jim S.

  2. #2


    I am in the same situation;

    Dan blank overlined with a wf 2 weight line, just right for throwing a little larger bugs!

    Wouldn't change it for the world!

    chris from canada.

  3. #3


    Joe is waiting for his new Dell laptop to arrive and is off-line for a bit (unless he happens to 'stumble' in from work.)

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Lawrence, KS, USA



    My Clear Creek is still overlined with WF2F. A few weeks prior to buying a 00-wt. Sage I got a spool of WF1F, intending to switch out the Clear Creek's reel to a line matching the rod weight. That 1-wt. line is still in the box.

    The 1-wt. Clear Creek worked just fine with 2-wt. line. Well, fine for me; someone else might not like it.

    My intent in overlining was to suppress the rod's action during loading, and thereby soften the launch. I like a soft delivery with shorter casts. It worked.

    The 00-wt. rod is all I've been fishing with for almost a month now. My 1-wt. is in standby status for trips when I go into really tight cover where a shorter length is more practical. One such trip may be coming up in a couple weeks.

    Sorry for the late reply; I was out of a computer. Got one now, but due to my mobile lifestyle I still won't be as "contact-able" as, say, 6 months ago.

    Hope you've been catching some fish!


    "Better small than not at all."

  5. #5


    I to use a 2 wgt on my 1wgt.Orvis---Also I find the larger line enhances my ability to cast larger flies when going after warm water fish.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Germantown, TN, USA



    Thanks for the reply. The sage 00 wt sounds great for blue gill and crappie fishing but it's a little out of my league price wise.

    I'm thinking of getting the Cabela's Clear Creek 1 wt. for blue gill and crappie, and was wondering how that rod worked out for you. And if you recommend it, should I go with a WF1F or WF2F line?

    For reference, I'm using a Cabela's Three Forks 3 wt. combo for pan fishing right now.

    Jim S.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Lawrence, KS, USA



    Poster "mudni" in this thread makes an excellent point, one I've never considered: heavier line lets you throw heavier flies. What mudni says is worth your consideration if you envision using a Clear Creek 1-wt. fly rod to throw heavier flies like big poppers, streamers -- especially Clousers.

    It might be heresy to suggest this, but I'll bet a person can use 3-wt. or even 4-wt. line on a 1-wt. Clear Creek rod and do just fine. If that extra line weight slows down your casting stroke, so what? 7-ft. 1-wt rods aren't used for long casting anyway, right?

    Sure, I would recommend Cabela's Clear Creek 1-wt. rod as a good one to use for bluegill and crappie fishing. If you end up going with the matching 1-wt. line, post and let us know how it works for you.

    I think you'll be surprised how stout that 1-wt Clear Creek is in combat situations. It was a real eye opener for me!

    "Better small than not at all."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Germantown, TN, USA


    Thanks, Joe.

    If I go ahead and follow that route I'll post it and let you know what I think of it.

    I may go ahead and buy both a WF1F and WF2F, and also try it with the WF3F I already have and see what happens. It would probably be a good thing, my casting stroke, like my golf swing, can stand all the SLOWING down it can get!

    [This message has been edited by DieKatze (edited 15 May 2006).]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Ft Wayne, IN


    Just to muddy things up a bit more -
    I went with an 8' 2 wt rod for bluegill because I wanted to use #10 cork poppers with rubber legs; that's about all you want to cast with a 2 wt for several hours IMO. I also use a lot of 12 3XL beadhead flies - again I don't know how a 1wt would handle that size nymph. TFO makes a fairly nice 8' 2wt in their Pro series.

    Just another though....


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Lawrence, KS, USA


    Intersting point, beadleech. We all DO tend to fish for a number of hours at a time, so the heavier the line we're throwing the more easily and quickly our hand/wrist/arm tires out. Subsequently, perhaps 3-wt. line on a 7-ft. 1-wt. rod is too much of a good thing.

    However...doesn't Mr. Hatch throw 3 and 4-wt. lines on even shorter rods when he's after redears in SC? Maybe he needs to weigh in here with an opinion or two regarding double and triple overlining a 1-wt. rod

    Jim Hatch...calling Jim Hatch...do you copy?


    (see you tomorrow, folks; I'm hitting the sack)

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