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Thread: Hackle Beetle

  1. #1

    Default Hackle Beetle

    I picked up some Eagle Claw #10 Wide Bend hooks, couldn't find Mustad cirlce hooks locally.

    The gills I have been catching on a home made creation (22-250) is a small fly and so were the BG's I have been catching.

    I made up a beetle with ginger Hackle for legs and yellow closed cell foam cut to a point and tied on the hook and then added Hackle, trimmed the top of it offand rolled the foam over and tied down.

    The Gills were huge that nailed it and it was the best late afternoon so far this year (45). With the wide gap hook all were hooked in the upper or lower lip.

    I would like to think the hackle legs were a big factor Will check that out tonight. I'll make some up with rubber legs.

    Have a good one

    Excuse my spelling and grammar, I hooked Mondays and Fridays to either fish or hunt.

  2. #2


    I've gone bluegill fishing with a similar fly in black on a size 10 Mustad hook and landed some nice largemouth bass as well!

    I have also used mohair ribed with flashabou and then picked out the mohair for legs.

    Let us know how your experiments go.

    " Fishermen, hunters, wood choppers, and others,
    spending their lives in the fields and woods,
    in a peculiar sense a part of Nature themselves,
    are often in a more favorable mood for observing her,
    in the intervals of their pursuits,
    than philosophers or poets even,
    who approach her with expectation."

    Henry David Thoreau

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    28433 N State Lamoni, Ia 50140


    Do the same sort of thing using crystal chenille with the foam above it.

    Has worked well on panfish.


  4. #4


    I made one with Black closed cell and #2 Metz Yellow saddle for legs and it has a seductive movement, a slow wispy action when you let it sit.

    My pond temp is 62 degrees so they are just starting to get more livley. The Bass inhaled the black beatle and again the bigger fly took bigger fish, all hooked in the front lips with the wide bend Eagle claw #10.

    Raining here and for the next 4 days

    Excuse my spelling and grammar, I hooked Mondays and Fridays to either fish or hunt.

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