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Thread: How did you meet your fishing pal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cedar City, UT

    Default How did you meet your fishing pal?

    Piggy-backing onto the other thread,

    How did you happen to meet a total stranger that eventually became your best fishing partner? When did you first realize the new relationship was "special"?

    Family and previous friends, although very important, don't really relate to the question.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Boise, ID and Running Springs, CA


    I met Don when I was looking for a cabinet maker to do a major remodel and replacement on a house we lived in. When I pulled into his yard, he was showing a new Marryat Reel to another customer (who wasn't a flyfisher).

    I commented that it was a nice Marryat and asked if it was a 7.0 or 7.5. He was shocked that I new what it was, but I already fished a 7.5 and 8.0 so it was very familiar to me. This was in 1988. We've been fishing together since. Ironically we are about as different off the water as they come. He's a DEmocrat, I'm not. He's Athiest, I'm Christian. We do each have two daughters that are approximately the same ages (college) and we both love to fish. We just have an unspoken agreement to not talk politics or religion. This still leaves lots of other things to discuss--like what the fish are hitting, how deep, what kind of retrieve, etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hey Jim,

    I have a new fishing buddy and from
    early indications it could well turn into a
    long time friendship.

    I met him Xmas eve when my heat pump
    died. The outfit that had installed and
    maintained it was treating me pretty shoddy.
    A friend called a friend that came out and
    looked at it, ran a few tests, told me what
    was wrong with it and proceeded to fix it
    in a few minutes for a very small amount of
    money. He came back later and went all the
    way through the system insuring it was in
    good order and would not cause more problems. In return, he wanted me to teach
    him to flyfish.*G* He's casting a pretty
    good rod now. We can spend a day cooped up
    in my little bass boat and have a lot of
    fun in the process. Not only did I find
    an honest repairman, but I found a fishing
    buddy whose company I enjoy.*G* Warm regards, Jim

  4. #4


    Was putting a basement under my log cabin and much of the final digging had to be done
    by hand..One afternoon Greggie and his brother drove up the driveway, grabbed shovel
    and wheelbarrow and proceeded to help..
    Didn't take long to discover we both liked
    fly fishing and especially atlantic salmon
    fishing..My cabin is about 400 feet from a salmon pool and my canoe was on the beach.
    I suggested he go get his rod and we give the
    pool a swipe as there was no-one fishing.

    It took all summer to finish the basement.

    That was twenty-five years ago. We have matured some since then..walk to a pool now rather than run..Have coffee together about three times a week and the discussion is never far from fishing.
    Over the years we have gotten ourselves into some quite predicaments and managed to survive to laugh about it all..
    Next outing together is planned for mid May. then one in late may, 3 in June, 4 in July...you get the picture. Then comes hunting season......

    Happy fishing all.

  5. #5


    The best folks I've ever found to fish with are those I have met at Fish-Ins. I will fish with anyone from FAOL who can stand me. Dshock, Linemender, Z, JeffW and Denny are the people I most fish with. REW, Spanfly, ffb, WinstonIM6, DG, Parnelli, NoahsBoyz & Slickfoot. These are all folks I would fish with at the drop of a hat. And, I would fish with Al Campbell anywhere, anytime. JeffW however, is the guy I fish the most with, and I can honestly say our trips together are my fondest memories. I met everyone at FAOL.
    Thanks JC & LF.

    A free gift waits for those who ask.
    Lotech Joe

    [This message has been edited by LotechJoe (edited 18 April 2005).]

  6. #6


    I fish allot with the guys I met at the Ozark Fishin I threw a couple years ago. I don't get a chance to spend as much time as I'd like with them, but when we get together, it's allot of laughs and even some fishing gets done. I have also met quite a few of the folks from FAOL at different tying shows that I haven't had a chance to fish with.. yet.. but would love to. I guess other than them, my favorite fishing partners are my son and my 2 grandsons that are just getting into fishing. All I need to do now is keep the 2 year old out of the water.


    There is no greater fan of flyfishing than the worm.

    Patrick McManus

    [This message has been edited by maddog48 (edited 19 April 2005).]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    neither here nor there


    I married him 38 years ago! He was a finance officer, I was an Officers daughter (Army). the fishing came many years later, but I wouldn't change my fishing/life partner for the world!

    Trouts don't live in ugly places

    [This message has been edited by Betty Hiner (edited 19 April 2005).]
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

    A friend is not who knows you the longest, but the one who came and never left your side.

    Don't look back, we ain't goin' that way.

  8. #8


    I met Tedd in the third grade .He moved in the middle of the year ended up in my class.Have been friends ever since .Snuck off from school to fish first time together .. we were caught ...together I guess the 3rd time we did it . Cut so many classes to go fishing they new where to find us ... together . Took hunters safety class together . Best man in my wedding .. I was his best man .LOL when his new bride got mad that we took off for a 4 hour fish trip that turned into a 17 hour trip as we explored the Pine creek area together .. he gave her the speech .... "women come and go but best friends are for ever" .. I thought for sure it was over for them ... I think I'm the smarter of two. Best friends hunting partner and fishing buddy for 30 years now.


    [This message has been edited by ny angler (edited 19 April 2005).]

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    I have two fishing buddies.
    One is a Spin fisherman who I used to work with. We talked, we fished and now he sometimes fly fishes and I sometimes spin fish, but mostly we keep to our own and enjoy the company.

    My other buddy is my son's best friend's father. One thing lead to another and we both fish for Trout and Stripers depending where we are.

    On occaision the three of us get together, but so far it has never been the two of them.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Greensboro, North Carolina


    Jack and I met at Trout Unlimited meeting. We were both fairly new attendees. I had recently moved to the area and he was getting back into flyfishing after a long hiatus. We went on a day trip in December that was freezing cold and his only complaint all day was at lunch when he said, "I think I have a leak in my waders." We went fishless almost the whole day until the late afternoon when the fish would only take dries. We hate that. Back at the truck, as we prepared to leave, my toes were dry and practically numb from standing in the water all day. Jack must have wrung a pint of water out his socks. I will never know how he took the cold all day with wet feet. Been fishing together ever since. We have met alot of characters on the stream and had alot of fun doing it. The last trip involved leaving the river shortly after we got there and spending most of the day in the nearest emergency room. But we still had a good time. But hey, isn't that what it is really all about?

    Remember boys and girls, always cut away from yourself...especially with the sharp, new knife.


    Life is but a stream...

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